Chairman : Soon-jip Kim
Address : Seocho Bldg, 2nd FL., 25, Gangnam-daero 47-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-862, Korea
E-mail : isacsjkim@hanmail.net
Phone : +82 2 587 5731, +82 10 3330 1697
Website : www.surisem.net

Company Profile
2005. 09 - 2008. 01 * Korea Abacus Arithmetics Inc. - EBS broadcast (Education Broadcast System)
2006. 03 – 2013. 10 * National competition - every year, 2014 will be 12 th (Scheduled on Aug. 30, 2014)
2009. 04 * Non-profit organization – Korean Abacus Mental Math Research Association
2009 - 2011 * International competitions participated in Taiwan, Beijing
2012. 08 * WAAMA Member registered
2012. 08 - 2013. 03 * C&M broadcasting for abacus education2012. 12. * PAMA Member registered as Korea Chairman
2013. 03 * English Book published for Abacus Arithmetic
Chairman Profile
Summary of Major Events
Oct. 2012, 10th competition was held with around 3,000 students in Seoul.
Oct. 2013, 11th competition was held with around 3,500 students in Seoul.
Aug 2014, 12th competition was held with around 3,500 students in Seoul.
2010 - present
Awarding Records
2010 - present
Important Biography
Chairman & CEO of Abacus Arithmetics Inc. (Zhusan Surisem)
Chairman of Korean Abacus Mental Math Research Association
President of CTDI Korea
Country Manager of Phoenix Technologies
COO of NOA Technology Inc.
DACOM Corp. / LG Electronics
Activities Photos